SOSC provides enrollment management consultation with a focus on recruitment, onboarding, financial aid, and retention services. Completion, persistence, and attrition rates are becoming heavily scrutinized by accrediting agencies so institutions must maintain steady enrollment while graduating students in a timely manner. From onboarding to commencement, SOSC provides institutions strategies to graduate students within 150%.

SOSC provides photography services fo promotional materials.
SOSC designs promotional materials to support recruitment efforts. Materials are developed to support both in-person and digital recruiting environments. Recruiting support includes designed interactions for recruiters in settings that include conference vending and classroom presentations. Event planning is an added service to support recruiting.

Onboarding solutions mindful of COVID-19 is a customized package offered by SOSC.
Admissions and advising is an important step in the education process as it provides students their first interaction with an institution. Special programs like First Year Experience provide benefit to institutions; however, they must be designed in a manner that promotes access and equity. SOSC designs onboarding programs for targeted audiences, such as first generation and low-income scholars, that help with the transition to college life.
Financing an education is one of the biggest barriers to prospective students in obtaining a degree. As a result, many students turn to loans and other means to pay for tuition, books, and housing at a price of high interest rates and long-term agreements. SOSC provides financial aid guidance by identifying funding sources and providing application support. Financial aide event planning is a service of SOSC.
It’s important for institutions to recruit new students and retain them once enrolled. Retention is most often viewed as a semester-to-semester, year-to-year initiative, but SOSC approaches it as a day-to-day task. Doing so places a higher value on the student experience. Greater student engagement correlates to higher GPA and higher persistence. Retention support provided by SOSC includes: policy review, co-curricular design, and student services support.